Kaleidoscope Film and Television LLC
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Oklahoma based
Kaleidoscope Film and Television
United States
Kaleidoscope Film and Television LLC is an independent film production company, which produces feature-length motion pictures, documentaries, and television programming. which are based on diversity both in front of and behind the cameras

Two women flee to a free state as the Senate debates the legislation that would give bounty hunters the authority to legally drag them back to face kidnapping charges for the fetus that one of them is carrying.
And Freedom for All The first shot at Fort Sumter is a fictional story that is rapidly becoming a reality as those on the extreme right used white supremacists to turn the nation into a Christan theocracy. It will be a feature film that I really hope will only become a reality on the screen.
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From childhood through the end of life, change is inevitable. How we choose to react will open or close doors. But not always in the ways we expect or want. Even when we chose to make the changes, the excitement intertwines with apprehension as we walk through the threshold into unknown. Some people we meet will help and support you. Some will challenge you. But each of them will play an important role in helping you learn and grow. Chose to have the courage to believe in yourself and the tomorrows as they appear before you. When you make that conscious choice, who and what you need will appear in your life to help you meet your challenges and achieve your dreams.
You are here at this perfect time and the perfect place for the perfect reason. When you listen to your heart and ignore your fears you will see the path before you and be able to understand the challenges in your life.
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As the memories of her past life awaken, Alyssa melds with her former self. Watching the events before her death unfold, she began to understand how the manipulation of others followed them through the ages until they were forced to again meet.
In the past, one man loved her, yet her selfishness betrayed his trust. One man hated her for who she was and for what he could never have. Both have again entered her life. Have they learned enough to finally put the past to rest or will they again make the same choices that led to murder and revenge?
Torn between her past life and present, Alyssa fights for her life as the men, who murdered her in the past, use their positions of power to stalk her. Will the man, who love her be able to save her this time, or will history repeat itself.
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Not for Ourselves excerpt

Searching for new planets to colonize to plunder the resources, a technologically advanced sends the ships out into the universe. John Quasney and his team find a cluster of planets that are rich in resources and inhabited by low-tech populations. When the natives refuse to trade their resources for technology, communications expert Kelly O’Dell is sent to negotiate. If she succeeds, the natives will receive the medical and scientific benefits of being part of the LASKAPE Empire; if they refuse, the planet will be overrun and the population will be subjugated. Soon after she arrives, a plague breaks out among the LASKAPE teams and rapidly spreads throughout the empire. The natives tell her of the ancient races of healers called, the Dithy’ramb, who watch over them. Kelly and a team set out to communicate with them. While aligning her equipment she eliminates several blips only to learn that she murdered in doing so she murdered the Dithy’ramb’s children.
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Leave the stress of the world behind. Take a journey through worlds of adventure, magic, and courage where women and girls have the power to chose their own destinies. Along the way, you find the wisdom to become your own heroine.
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Earth-based religions, such as Wicca and Pagan, have existed for centuries. It is how people protected, provided for, and healed themselves and their families. However, since the Burning Times, other religions have attacked the beliefs as a way of forcing others to convert. Magic is neither good nor evil except in the way it is used.
People no longer hunt or fish in the wild or till the land for food. We may hunt in supermarkets for our substance, but we need to earn the money to pay for it. Barbarians or rival villages are no longer attacking. Yet, we still need to be able to protect ourselves and our families from the negative elements in the world. Modern medicine has many benefits, but sometimes the old-fashioned ways are more effective, especially when it comes to being soul sick.
Out of the Shadows and Into the Light teaches how to use our natural talents and old wisdom to positively use the natural elements and energy to move forward in healthy ways. The original rituals and spells will create and restore balance in your life.
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Cheyenne and Celeste came to Coyote Springs to use their psychic gifts to find a missing child. They find the girl and made a new friend, Jane. Tired of rootless life, Cheyenne prays for a safe, stable home. With Jane's help, she finds an abandoned farm and decides to stay. Reluctantly, Celeste also remains. The threesome creates a spiritual retreat that grows out of their shared wisdom, respect and sense of family. Cheyenne is happy for the first time since she awoke broken and bloody beneath the blinding desert sun. Celeste had saved her then, but soon after Dominic appears on their doorstep, Celeste once again turns to the dark arts. Instead of a savior, she becomes vicious enemy with knowledge of all her strengths and weaknesses. With the dragons' aid, she was barely able to ward off their initial attack. But with each dark soul Celeste and Dominic bind to them, their malevolence grows until they will not settle for less than destroying Cheyenne and all she loves. How do you protect yourself from someone knows exactly how to steal your soul?
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The Coyote Springs Police had ended his life when he refused to surrender. A volley of bullets gave cover as the smoke bomb crashed through the front window. The house burst into flames. His gunfire prevented the fire department from saving his life. Hours later, his charred body was carried out, but Davis was far from being contained. His body may have been dead, but the children were far from safe from his abuse.
Unshackled from his earthly bonds, he continued to torment the innocent. Anna saw him. She told the others. They didn't believe her. Night after night she heard the screams in the night. She couldn't allow it to continue and she asked the Goddesses to help her. They gave her a ritual that would stop him. But it could only be done on his property where he was the most powerful. Anna faith is tested as faces her fear and puts all she loves at risk to end his reign of terror.
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